Thursday 29 January 2009

New album announced!

Feeling slightly giddy as I've just found out that a new album is due in March! Suddenly seems such a long time to wait...

Apparently there'll be a digital release from their website 16th March and the physical release will be 13th April in the UK and 21st April in the US. There's no title as yet but you can see a tracklisting on their website, which I'm happy to see includes Earth (the song with one lyric?)! Groovy.

From the sounds of it, its going to be melodic, with no acoustic ballads and no country rock... so a bit of a harder sound but with the patented glorious SFA melodies and lyrics. I'm a bit sad that there won't be slower numbers as I do like the slow songs. That said, it's the Furries so I've no doubt it'll be a work of pure genius.

Plus, Fowler is back! Which is great news. I knew they couldn't stay away from him for long. He'll be collaborating with Tanaami, who produced the artwork for Hey Venus! The result may just be so psychedelic that my brain explodes... which wouldn't be a bad way to go out.

You can read all the glorious details on their website here;

New album announced

They're even teasing us with the idea that there will be more surprises announced closer to the release date. They tease me but I love it. Fantastic!

I'm so ridiculously excited at the prospect of a new tour to promote the album that I may just have to go and lie down.

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