Friday 3 July 2009

More videos? More videos!

Some more Dutch interviews for your delectation. Look, I embedded a video! It's not from YouTube so I don't mind embedding it. This first video with Gruff is nice and easy-going.

Actually... Well... he does start talking about politics and war. So I suppose it's not really easy-going at all is it...? But Gruff himself seems very easy-going. I think if the world was going to end in the next 5 minutes, I'd want Gruff to break the news to me. There's something relaxing about him. Better relaxation than abject terror, hmm?

This interview is from 2005, but there's also a 6-part interview with Gruff around the time Hey Venus! was released. I prefer this one from 2005, though, as he seems a bit more coherent and relaxed. And the cameraman isn't quite so damn close as in the 2007 interview - that video makes me feel claustrophobic! There's also two live performances. Which are great. As usual.

Ohio Heat

I like the fact that within 5 seconds of Gruff announcing they're going to play Runaway, he has to ask Bunf 'What shall I do?'. Bunf replies 'Runaway?' and Gruff responds, 'Yeah?'. That's a good suggestion, Bunf... There's also a sweet moment at the end when they both look overhead when they hear a bird. I love it when Gruff is interviewed, he's really sweet and funny. And judging by the smile on Bunf's face, I think Gruff cracks him up, too.


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